Six Star Pro Nutrition Casein protein
Each two-scoop serving of Six Star® Casein Protein delivers 40g of protein, including slow-digesting casein, which helps feed your muscles with a continued flow of amino acids (the building blocks of muscle). powered by 100% sustained-release casein protein 100% of the casein component in new Six Star®…
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What foods have Casein protein?
Muscles require protein to become stronger. Protein is an essential element of a healthful diet, and particularly important to those who exercise regularly. It facilitates not only the repair of damaged tissues and muscle fibers, but muscle growth as well. As an added bonus, some proteins release slowly…
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Kefir grains at whole foods
If you’re like me, you pay attention to food trends, like growth in the popularity and availability of naturally fermented foods. I’m talking about live cultured foods — naturally fermented the way our ancestors have done it for centuries. For them, it was a method of preservation. It was also a secret…
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Cultured milk products
Enjoy a long and vibrant history. In every society that historically consumed dairy foods, cultured yogurt and other probiotic dairy foods earned a much-loved and much-respected place in the indigenous diets. That place was rightly deserved, too. While culturing milk and cream inevitably offered the…
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What stimulates milk production?
Increasing Milk Supply with Help From Baby Remember the three B’s of breastfeeding: the breast, the baby, and the brain. For increasing milk supply, the breast needs more stimulation from the baby and making that happen will require some adjustments in your brain. To increase your milk supply, you have…
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Milk and mucus production
The Dairy Council denies there’s an association between milk and increased mucus production, and they blame it on the jews. The original myth, they claim, stems from a 12th century Jewish physician. Not just any 12th century Jewish physician though, but none other than Maimonides himself. What have we…
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Does whey protein have Casein
What s the difference between a whey concentrate and Jay Robb s Whey Isolate? Whey Concentrate: Short filtered so only part of the milk sugars are removed: Contains lactose, a concentrate is not suitable for those who are lactose intolerant. May contain at least 70 grams of sugar per 24-ounce container…
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What is Micellar Casein protein?
Both micellar protein and whey protein come from milk, but they act in very different ways in the human body. Whey works fast the body absorbing it quickly for an extra boost when needed. For example body builders would take a whey protein powder directly before, during, and right after a workout since…
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