Anyone have suggestions on where to buy high quality kefir grains/cultures? I've never fermented food before, and I've been a bit hesitant of buying just any kind of kefir grains.
I am not a huge fan of it, but my wife loved my last batch of Kefir/Pumpkin ice cream, used 2 cups raw (Jersey cow ) cream, a cup of Kefir, and a can of regular pumpkin. Didn't use the pumpkin pie (can) mix, so I did use a combination of honbey and brown sugar to sweeten it a little. Also forgot, I added Pumpkin Pie spice.
Like you, we just got an ice cream maker, every trip to the dairy, I bring home a quart of cream.
As far as finding Kefir grains, I have a surplus at this moment, and ran an ad on Craigs List, got two responses within and hour, giving away those next week. If you are near Massachusetts, I can help, if not, keep an eye on CraigsList for kefir. You can also buy them on line, I got them from a vendor at Etsy.com.