Effects of Casein protein

April 22, 2018
The Effects of Casein

Claustre J, Toumi F, Trompette A, et al. Effects of peptides derived from dietary proteins on mucus secretion in rat jejunum. Am J Physiol Gastrointest Liver Physiol 2002;283:G521-8. View abstract.

Gill HS, Doull F, Rutherfurd KJ, Cross ML. Immunoregulatory peptides in bovine milk. Br J Nutr 2000;84:S111-7. View abstract.

Nishi T, Hara H, Hira T, Tomita F. Dietary protein peptic hydrosylates stimulate cholecystokinin release via direct sensing by rat intestinal mucosal cells. Exp Biol Med (Maywood) 2001;226:1031-6. View abstract.

Park O, Swaisgood HE, Allen JC. Calcium binding of phosphopeptides derived from hydrolysis of alpha s-casein or beta-casein using immobilized trypsin. J Dairy Sci 19-7. View abstract.

Tauzin J, Miclo L, Gaillard JL. Angiotensin-I-converting enzyme inhibitory peptides from tryptic hydrolysate of bovine alphaS2-casein. FEBS Lett 2002;531:369-74. View abstract.

Townsend RR, McFadden CB, Ford V, Cadee JA. A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial of casein protein hydrolysate (C12 peptide) in human essential hypertension. Am J Hypertens 2004;17(11 Pt 1):1056-8. View abstract.

Source: www.webmd.com
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