Who figures this stuff out? Like, you can clean up with goat's milk? I can just see it now: 16th Century Edinburgh; Sir Rosis of Cleaves is about to take his semi-annual bath when his maid servant grimly announces the castle is out of soap. The good Sir Rosis has just finished his fourth pint of wee Scottish brandy, and tells his young maid: "Well, I gots to have sumpin' to wash me carcass with, Lassie; how's 'bout fetchin' that bucket of goat's milk in the barrn?"
And the rest, as they say, is histoire.
Enter CANUS GOAT'S MILK BAR SOAP (4 boxes each, mind you, containing 3 five-ounce bars of soap). This is the real deal: naturally homogenized farm fresh goat milk. Not powdered, by golly. This soap boasts a light, clean, mild fragrance (in other words, thank goodness it doesn't smell like actual goat milk). And because it's triple-milled these soap bars are hard and long lasting (be prepared to scrub that carcass for awhile).
CANUS GOAT'S MILK BAR SOAP (4 boxes each, containing 3 five-ounce bars of soap) is one of the more innovative products manufactured by our Canadian neighbors. Coming soon. . .farm fresh moose mints.